Sunday, July 08, 2007

memory lanes

My thoughts (though they often run wild), my actions, the way I react to certain situations in my daily life, and most importantly, REMINISING. I can't help it. I am still a human afterall. I know that HE will definitely get mad. Feel inferior. But whenever that dawns upon me, I just hope that I have amnesia. The most significant memory that was imprinted in me for a couple of years, surprisingly do not feel tormenting nor sore anymore. It isn't as raw as how I thought it was. This was something I wrote 2 years back: HERE.

It was indeed a long journey. For now, I just turn back and smile at myself.

I attended Mr Ridwan's father furneral. Well, it's not shocking on how short life is. But it's not stalled in us to slow down and spend more time with our loved ones. Comparing the fast pace of life we have in Singapore to other developing countries, we are way too far. How many of us actually take a step slower, look back and think about stuff?! I read a book that Siti compiled for me and I am so shocked of how much I've changed and I am starting to love myself a few years back cos' I feel that my softer side is more mature. But people all do change right?! I admit that I do not think about stuff anymore cos' I am too tired everyday. But I guess that's not an excuse right?!

Do not ask me the point of this post. I have no idea why I am typing this too. I am TOO RANDOM. Well, I admit that certain thoughts leave a scar there. A very deep scar. And I also admit that I fear that I will fall back to how it was in the first place. YES. I am afraid that by seeing some things, I will fall back. I do not need someone to blame me and leave me alone. Cos' at this point of time, with all the installed fear, I really do need someone who will be there for me and tell me and enlightened me and remind me constantly not to fall back. I feel like a kid but I do admit that I'm fragile when it all comes to these. Somtimes I wished that I was dead or rather I wish that someone was dead OR I wish I had amnesia. On a side note, scientists are researching on a pill that allow us to lose certain bad memories in our life. IF IT IS EVER SUCCESSFUL, I WILL BE THE ONE TO TAKE IT MAN!

It's not only me, but Jovanna is going through a hard time as well. It really suck when the person you love the most leaves you. Like for instance, she got over Calvin and Desmond entered her life shortly and things happen, and now, it's gone with the wind. I imagine me in her shoes, if Terence were to leave me after forgetting someone. I will DEFINITELY GO CRAZY. And feel that the whole world would be crashing on me. Poor girl. Give me a ring if you need anything okie? Even if it's for you to drown your sorrows, I will be there. ((: Best of luck.

-In life, what is meant to be yours, will forever be yours, it would not run away from you even if you have to wait for a few decades.


Siti said...

your question abt life being too fast and our loved ones, reminded me of a conversation I had with a dear friend of mine recently.

In summary, we agreed that when one is dying, one would always reflect and wish for more quality time spent with family, friends, loved ones etc.. Have u seen or heard anyone who wish had more wealth, higher job rank etc?..

So yeah, why are we thus chasing for the quantity in life and forgot abt the quality till our deathbed? shouldnt it be chased now while we are still young, strong and alive?..

Siti said...

A quote from a friend,

"The worst pain in the world is knowing that he/she meant eveything to you but you meant nothing to him/her.

But life goes on when you realise the strength inside of you - the strength to realise that saying goodbye doesnt meant that you dont love the person anymore or that you dont want to keep them in your life. It doesnt mean you are weak.

It means you have the STRENGTH to let go and live life to the fullest because you've learnt that life really is good and that you are strong and can only be as happy as you choose to be.."

It will be okay... It ALWAYS does.. :)

Ms Claralicious said...

Thanks Babe, I know I'll pull through it. As what we always say, "It will be okie..." ((: