Sunday, April 29, 2007

My Weekends

I blog everywhere whenever I have a darn computer. I am somewhere near Changi Prision la! Don't ask why I am there. Probably to visit those idiots who spammed my blog for the past week! wahahahahahaha!!! Nahs, I am actually at Terence's place. I just smell his pits! err... sounds disgusting I know. And I know the readers will just go like... "eWwwww" in disgust. hahahas! But I don't care. At least his pits doesn't give off that sourish tangly smell when he place his arm around me! *a-hEm* (Yes, I am speaking based on experience). What other weird stuff do we do?! We lick each other's nostrils, eat each other's nose discharge, lick each other's pits. The list goes on... and on... Wonder why I am typing all these down. Err... nvm la! I've already almost filled half the post.

This weekend is just like another weekend I think. First Weekend: Dinner at home. And then dinner with Terence and his family on the other weekend. Well, I hope this doesn't becomes a habit or a rountine cos' very pai sei one okie!

For now, I'm just done with consolidating some HPB team members' schedule and I am waiting for the RP website to be UP cos it's DOWN. I need to send the schedule to Eugene Heng la! Stupid RP webbie! Always down or conjested! It as if I am waiting for the cows to come home. AND YES... PLUS PLUS PLUS....

Morning on school days are HORRIBLE! I don't know what's wrong with some RP students la! I think mostly Year 1 students. NO LOVE FOR THEIR FELLOW SCHOOLMATES!!! They seem to have a habit of NOT MOVING TO THE REAR! And I have to miss 2 buses just because i can't get on the bus. YES. I am whining and stuff.

But I HOPE i would not have to whine anymore next year! I hope that I will get my Driving License by next year ( I hear Leng Leng and Terence screaming at me to brush up and not be lazy in taking my license! The Mum and Boyfriend Combo!) and a CAR. I am not buying one. But Daddy is going to buy me one AND I am not proud of it. Cos' it's NOT MY CAR. Not like some other people who thinks that owning a car is a BIG FUCK thing though the cost is not from his or her own pocket.

Speaking of cars, money etc. I can't stand stupid woman who are god darn MATERIALISTIC. They want guys who have cars, guys who are rich, guys who practically pay EVERYTHING including THEIR MEALS. OH MY GOD! Such people of my gender deserve to be slaughtered like how we all slaughter the kampong chickens in Pilokee.


wahahahahas!!! Well, some people will start by asking "aren't you one materialistic bitch with your GUCCIS?" Aiya, doesn't mean I flaunt my Guccis means I am materialistic right? At least, I DO NOT GO OUT with some rich guy just to get my Guccis. I am not that cheap la! How I get them? They are gifts from Leng Leng on my birthday and on some special occasions. Besides, I set aside money for my WANTS without neglecting my NEEDS. I still have proper meals. So what makes me a materialistic person?! By flaunting them, I do not think that I am at a higher notch compared to some other people. I do not get extra money for the runway show I did because I had Gucci from head to toe on the 1st and 2nd day. SO?! Not only that, I am proud that I have Giodarno and U2 tops in my wardrobe can?! WHY?! Because, I wear things for comfort. And yes, I am wanting to throw my Gucci bag away because it gives me red shoulders due to the hard bamboo shoulder strap. SO?! And surprisingly, my favourite pair of jeans that I love wearing is from Hang Ten. WHY?! COMFY MAH!

Besides materialistic people, I hate people who love suan-ing other people. Especially suan-ing your own friends la! WAH LAU! I mean.. YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE SUCH A SLUT CAN!? What right have you got to suan other people when your sense of dressing is far worse than your friend?! Wah Lau!

Leggings + (The person's name) = A BIG NO!

What is that all about?!?! Tell her for what?! She like to wear. She wear la! As long as she is happy, can already what! Her dressing is much better than you la. She know what are her flaws, what she can wear, what she can't wear. You?! One big lump of Kong Ba spill out from your underarms when you wear a tube top also u don't know. You don't even know how to hide your flaws. Take photo also dunno how to angle your face. Dunno how to hide your flaws. At least for me, i know that I can't take a front profile picture! You think you know a lot of stuff from the fashion industry. But do you really know?! Do you know that concealing the face isn't only about applying a lighter shade of your foundation?! Any idea that there is A GREEN CREAM to balance the redness of your skin before applying foundation?! Any idea that you can't wear tube tops!? Any idea that you need to wear a TIGHTER HOT PANTS got your current one makes your butt look FLAT?! And do you that you are doing SOME CHEAP LABOUR FOR PHOTOSHOOTS?! Well, I get paid for doing a Runway Show?! *(On the side note, Claudine (the person who does all the models' hair on loreal posters and advertisement) is going to help me with my hair! Must fix appointment! And I would not be A Quarter of a Dumb Blonde!) ) You look like a Ah Huey sometimes you know?! Please take a good look at yourself before you comment on other people can?! And you seem to like to argue with people for the sake of arguing., till you get the victory trophy man! If you win in that argument, got free thing to get meh?! You project as though as you know EVERYTHING!

Just a Friendly Advice: Please do not forget that you still have a long way to go and you got lots to learn as well.


kimmi said...

Oooohhh... someone's angry... i can feel the bitchiness, the fury, the disgust... all shooting out at the same time. wah... now that's one heck of a cool post! u go, girl!

Anonymous said...

eheh i heard u put a ice cube into ur cheebai before? LOL head u say it felt SHIOK. LOL S-L-U-T