Tuesday, October 03, 2006

i hanged myself.

fuck! I know I am materialistic. So what? NOT HAPPY?!?! THIS IS MY RANTING GROUND!

Yes, I am known to be MATERIALISTIC since I was in Secondary School. I used to have many thoughts. How I am going to hook up a rich old faggot. Make him spend money on me and then I'll poison him and then I'll inherit all his money!!!


So guys, BEWARE!

Nahs, THAT THOUGHT, was all in the past. But recently, I've actually change my mindset about being materialistic. There is two THREE types of materialism which I share with Mr Ridwan and some of my Project team mates.

First kind of materialism: THE CHEAPSKATE.

Well, THE CHEAPSKATEs are the one that get their stuff from other people. For example, having sugar mummies and sugar daddies and just get whatever they want from them. In chinese, they call guys as " chi luan fan." or girls, I have no freaking idea. These people are classified under the weaklings.

Second kind of materialism: THE FAKES

Well, this group of people enjoy the image, blah blah blah, and the list goes on. But they struggle to get what they want. They spend beyond their means and get busted in the end. Cause they can't lift up to their standard of living. *boo*

Third kind of materialism: THE INDEPENDENT

For this, I salute these people and I WANT TO BE ONE OF THEM. Yes, I AM MATERIALISIC, BUT... I get it by my own means and I earn for it. I get what I earn! And I do not spend beyond my means.

hahas. how funny! But it's true! You see all these people around in this world! Think about it.

"The only true enemy that you have is yourself. Your ego is your enemy. The struggle in everyone's life is within themselves, between your ego and your soul. This struggle is over which will command your heart and your mind, your ego which only knows judgment or your soul which only knows compassion. By learning to love yourself you are learning to love your enemy. Your soul is taking command of your heart and your mind. The more you let your soul command your heart and your mind the more you will understand who you truly are. You cannot love and have compassion for your brothers and sisters here on the earth plane until you can learn to love and have compassion for yourself."

Read this webbie for more details. http://breboco.com/spiritual/spiritual21.htm

Happy reading! (:

I wanna be with you because I love you. That is the simple reason. Nothing else. I do not want to be with you because of I feel that I am grateful towards you.

scratched @ 9.44pm

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