Friday, November 23, 2007

Clara is lazy

It's like 11.22PM now. I am so bored, PISSED, AND MORE PISSY!

I was looking through so many blogs and kinda feel that my blog needs a revamp! I am sick of the black background. I want a white for a change with my favourite shades. ARGHS! And can you believe it?! I am looking at some tutorials to help me up. PLUS I am feeling so lazy la. PLUS my PP assessment date is out! I have like 3 weeks to complete the damn poster (You can't blame me for being so lucky!) whereas Terence's assessment date is like in 5 DAYS TIME!

Well, for the past week, it seems like there's a huge volcano eruption taking place at home. I just don't like it. It's happening to the end that I do not wish to do anything at all. It's getting all sickening with the same old problem.

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