Wednesday, May 09, 2007

when passions clash

Well, I hope that I could be something like this:

The picture damn nice right?! (A model modelling for some fencing equipment) I have been feeling like a lost child eversince I did my 1st runway show. After my entire fencing saga was over back in 2004. I went to modelling which everyone around supported me to go for. That was the time when I had that typical perception about models: Cheap. But soon after that, I realised that I could have the potential because of my height and my mindset changed. I went for it. I joined ******* agency. And I realised that that it is NOT recognised by AMIP. How dumb could I be? However, I received 1 assignment from them for a Canon Photoshoot. I missed it because of my PolyForum 2006. I went to apply under Quest Models. I was shortlisted and was told to go for an interview. I then rejected it again because of certain issues and people that were in my life. And then again the itch of fencing kept coming back from time to time. As much as Terence strive that hard for his passion with flights, I wished that I could do the same in mine. I called my coach up, because I was considering to return to my passion. I told him I will let him know with the equipment that I plan to purchased. My dad then gave me the green light and supported me in purchasing the equipment. Therefore, I went back to watch fencing matches on the 1st of April, saw those old fencers, and those feelings came back again. The feelings of victory, contentment, anger, the kind of intensity. As if like you are going to have a heart attack in a split second, fencing a 14-15 match during the elimination round. But then again, I hesitated after I did the runway show and I know that I will have other assignments coming up. So, it's pretty tough. I am like caught in a dilemma. I feel messed up. Besides striving for what I want to do, I still have other commitments I have to settle. I do not know when my HPB project will end. And I hope that the Pilokee local engagements will be settled soon, at least it's a weight off. Can some aunty agony help me out with this?! ((: Drop me comments!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There again Clara. Dilemmas are always present. "It is not about the situation. It is about your choice." Make a wise choice and do not regret it. Why do you like Fencing? Why do you like modelling? Weigh the advantages and the disadvantages. I trust myself that you will make the right decision. As for me, I would rather you not give up on a passion you had for more than a decade. Go back to where you came from. With reference to your question, I rather keep my identity unknown. I know that you are contented with your life now. Just take me as an anonymous passer-by who finds your blog interesting.

"You are a good fencer, you have good techiques." =)