Saturday, December 31, 2005

My thoughts that guys and girls ought to know

Life exaplme: I just called darling to asked whether he's still at home. He said "no" and i told him to enjoy himself and hang up.
And i'm waiting for him to get home b4 i indulge in my sleep.

For Girls: I know, you girls may asked many questions. "Why is he out so late?" "Why don't you sleep instead of waiting for him?" "Why must you do this? There are other solutions." Yes, they are many solutions. But different couples have different ways of handling matters of the heart. As the saying goes, "nan ren bu huai, nu ren bu ai". Indeed, so if u have choose ure partner to be a "huai nan ren" u gotta be prepare for it too.. Guys are guys. They want fun. Yes. But sometimes, they feel they women are a pain in the ass. We need to understand how they feel too rather than expecting them to understand how we feel all the time. Yes, women are BORN to be pampered. But, compromising give u happiness. As a lady at our teenage years, if you know your parents are uptight with ya, and u can't hang out with ure guy late at night. Go home. simple reason. "If ure guy loves you, he would rather you go home even though he really wants you to hang out with him, he'll ask u to go home. Cause he don't want u to bear the consequences." And if ure guy have a "history" OR are mixing around with people who had "history", i know, ure even more worried. It's common for girls to be paranoid. But trust.. this is the keyword.. it is all that matters. If he promise you that he won't do things you do not want him to do, if he loves you, he won't. So, why fret about it? Don't make curfews or should i say, create curfews in ure own hands, it's simply just unfair for him. He feels uptight. Especially if he is doing that for the LOVE. simply place ureself in his shoes...
Example: you are permitted to go out late at night.. just for ONE NIGHT. and your guy wants u to go home.. 1. How would you answer to ure friends? 2. ure friends will say.. "nah he doesn't love you.. cause he don't understand that this is ure one and only night out.." and as hard as u try to convince ure friends, the image is stuck right in the head. 3. It makes you feel uneasy when u know ure curfew is approaching..
You'll definitely feel fucked up right? try maybe alternate days whereby ure guy can go out late at night and be home early. Then he can plan ... when he can go out with his friends LATE AT NIGHT. Don't let him feel tight. Let him breathe. Be UNDERSTANDING... Alternatively, be like me, ( BHB huh?) trust that he'll be safe and that u'll wait for him to call or msg u when he reach home. And of course, he have to do his part by complying to his promise that he's a good boy. =)

To Guys: HEY! NEVER..NEVER..NEVER..take a girl's concern for granted, she gives you a curfew and stuff.. don't frown. if you don't like it. TALK. TALK. find the right place, right time. girls are never TOO unreasonable. they do that cause they love you. they worry. talk it out. suggest other solutions.. tell her how you feel. ask her to understand. DEMAND her to understand. She have to. It's ure part to make her understand if she doesn't. Believe me, as stubborn as she appears to be, she'll definitely think about it when she's not with you.

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