Monday, December 31, 2007

Will you be my Best Friend Forever?!

This is the new IN THING: Mrinal Sharma.

Note: I was playing Ms Nice all the while with Ms Sharma till this post.

Well, I am not sure why I bump into such people every year. My 1st year was Stella. Now, the 2nd, it's Mrinal Sharma. I didn't notice her at first. On the 1st day of the semester( the day she first stepped into my class), her classmates from the previous semester came to our class to give her a warm welcome. That's when, Cherie Berrie and Jian Yong (who used to be in the same class as her in the previous sem. What luck guys! ) told the class about her. So, WHAT IS SO HOT ABOUT HER?!
Well, according to Jian Yong and Cherie, in the previous semester, she went to some of their classmates and asked, "Will you be my best friend?!" And when that particular person said, "yes." She would add on, "Forever?"

Just imagine, if someone whom you barely know approaches you and just ask, "Will you be my best friend forever?!" Isn't it hilarious?! Okie, maybe you would not find it funny but FREAKY. Please la! Even primary school kids do not do that nowadays. You get to know the person first, and then, you slowly get close with the person and then if you guys really click, you guys will be spending more time together etc. And eventually, you both become best friends. But her?! NOOOOOOO....

I didn't get to experience this personally. I didn't believe that anyone in the right state of mind would be doing this. But heck! I experienced some stuff about her that Cherie and Jian Yong spoke about.

I was really okie with her. I had a neutral point of view, (even if she wears mis-matching clothes) I didn't have that kind of "Anti- Stella" saga. But after being personally attacked by her, Ms poor Claralicious MUST SAY THAT SHE IS FREAKY!!! AND SCARY. To add on, Terence always says, "Eh, your best friend." whenever she is near me or when at sight. It's irritating!

So, let's start off with her clothes. She ALWAYS (without fail okie!) comes into class with a damn black scarf, and I think she must be thinking that she looks very very ccooool, sexy, hot? nono. Maybe, CLASSY! She always have weird colour combinations. There is one time that I clearly remember, she came into class with a RED SIA STEWARDESS UNIFORM! Mrinal? A chief stewardess?! PLEASE LA! Got that kind of bittergourd face. How to be one?! Can you imagine if you are a guy, and you are flying from Singapore to America with Singapore Airlines, and you just woke up (in the middle of the night) from a wet dream and you see Mrinal in front of you?! What will you do? I bet you will get turned on! HAHA. Well, I won't be so mean la okie! Maybe, she wears a scarf every single day because she wants to cover up her plastered neck. Cos' she went for surgery. And I am not kidding you! According to her, she had surgery.

Secondly, would be she and her handphones. I must say, this girl is freaking rich, she have 2 phones, which means 2 sim cards. Whether pre-paid a not, not my problem. But 2 phones leh! Rich hor! And during break outs, she will be on the phone, WITHOUT FAIL! However, according to Cherie and Jian Yong, she seem to be talking to herself! That's because she seems to be asking a question and answering her own question! That is freaking freaky.

Thirdly, she has a habit of borrowing money. There's one time, her previous semester classmates came over to my class when it was just me and her. They starting teasing her and when they left the classroom, she started crying! And she started asking me, "Don't you find it irritating? They just come in and disturb and...." blah blah blah and I just went "uh huh uh huh" and I told Terence to come over to my class and save me!!! Apparently, he was too slow. Ms Sharma went on and ask me, "Do you have money with you?!" And I just said "No" though I had $20 in my wallet. And I asked her "why?" and she replied, " I want to borrow money to call my friend who is overseas." According to Cherie and Jian Yong, she never returns money that she borrows!


I have 4 more weeks with her, in the same class. You guys pray that she does something to fill up a post here. That's a round off for 2007 I guess. :)


Anonymous said...

I know her, eventhough shes not my classmate.

Its kinda long story, i can say that she's a third party to my friend's relationship.

4 more weeks, till its over..
anyway, i've moved:

Ms Claralicious said...

Hey izzatee!!!


Anonymous said...


with all dues respect but with her looks can be a 3rd party ar? wah.. who is more blind man??

or shld I say that "love is just blind".. and indeed it appears to be.. hahaha..